NetWorkShop "Strong Partners - Powerful Regions"
14.-15.9.2010 Graz, Steiermark, Austria

Last change: 17.09.2010 - 15:00
Representatives of partner regions of Land Steiermark (Styria) took part in this event on September 14th-15th, 2010. The aim was to exchange experiences, to intensify relationships and to identify new areas of cooperation. We focused on two specific areas, in which the Land Steiermark has gained experience and partner regions have shown their interest to develop common EU-funded projects.
- Energy Efficiency: energy strategies, agencies, PP-partnerships, renewable energy, fast growing energy forests, biofuel etc.
- Good Food - regional aspects in the food sector: organic farming, sustainable food production and other ways of upgrading the value in agriculture, food processing, retail and food service.
=> Minutes of the NetWorkShop (will follow a.s.a.p.)
=> Speeches & handouts
- Opening Speech
Governor Franz Voves
- Handouts
"Developing co-operation projects for EU funding" (Richard Hummelbrunner)
- Handout
Energy efficiency and sustainable energy policy (Wolfgang Jilek)
- Handout
Renewably Energy Thomas Loibnegger
- PPT - "
Regional and biological dimensions in the food sektor" (Gerhard Wlodkowski)
- Handout "
Geografical indications of foodstuff" (Barbara Reithmayer)
- Handout
„Good Food: Organic farming and marketing in Austria, especially in Styria" (Mag. Josef Renner und DI Wolfgang Angeringer)
Photo presentation Tomsk (Nelly Krechetova)
- Press release - 14.09.2010 (German)
- TV-Clip (German)
- Photo-Gallery
Contact: Dr. Heidi Körbler - E-Mail - phone +43 316 877 3323