Solicris-Workshop Sarajevo
Economic Crisis
Kolodvorska 6
71000 Sarajevo
9.30 Registration of participants
10.00 Welcome speech
Jasmin Halebić, minister of finance of the Canton Sarajevo
10.20 Introduction into SOLICRIS network
Admir Hasić, SERDA, project team member
10.30 Expert presentation: The economic crisis (origins, actions and future challenges)
Prof. Muamer Halilbašić, Faculty of Economics of University of Sarajevo
11.15 Coffee and networking
11.30 The institutional perspective - measures of the authorities to prevent and mitigate the effects of the economic crisis
Matej Živković, member of the Economic council of the Federal Government
12.00 Development initiatives towards more solidarity in crisis
Nasir Nalić, UNDP
12.30 Lunch & Networking
13.30 The SMEs sector (activities towards survival and solidarity)
14.00 Citizens, solidarity and voluntarism
Stevan Marković , Mozaik foundation
Asmir Kosovac, Challenge to Change - C2C
14.30 Group sessions - Solidarity in times of economic crisis (transnational perspective)
15.30 Presentation of the group sessions
16.00 Workshop conclusions