Seite vorlesenVorlesenVorlesenSeite druckenDruckenWeitere InfosInfosFeedback verschickenGREEN TRANSFORMATION SUMMIT 14.10.2020Automotive Regions - crucial to success!Beginn:14.10.2020, 14:30 UhrEnde:14.10.2020, 16:00 UhrTermine-Arten:Live-Stream, SonstigeVeranstalter:Steiermark-Büro BrüsselAvenue de Tervueren 821040 BrüsselTel: +32 2 732 03 61E-Mail: automotive@stmk.gv.atWeb: Kalender hinzufügen Live-Stream without registration: Please register here: Registration EU-LoginRegistration without EU-LoginProgramPlease sign in with EU Login to add this session. Note that Two-Factor Authentication is required. Please follow this guide to set up a Two-Factor Authentication with your mobile number in your EU Login account.guideline