Office for Styrians Abroad
The Office for Styrians Abroad is a service centre provided by the State of Styria. It is our aim to strengthen the bond of Styrians living abroad with their home country. With this in mind, we provide opportunities to stay in touch - these include personal encounters as well as contacts through culture, tourism, sports and business.
These contacts to home for Styrians living abroad also provide new impetus to the State of Styria, and the resulting business contacts, knowledge and cultural connections are expected to contribute to consolidating Styria's positive image to the rest of the world and thus to further improving the international reputation of Austria.
The Office for Styrians Abroad develops and implements sustainable and promising projects in all socially relevant areas to promote and extend these positive mutual effects.
"Connecting Styrian People and Gaining Friends"
The Guiding Principles of the Office for Styrians Abroad
- International interest in Styria and Austria requires for an active policy for Styrian people who have found a second home abroad.
- The Office for Styrians and Austrians Abroad provides services to Styrian people living abroad, and to Styrian companies operating abroad.
- In its activities, the Office for Styrians and Austrians Abroad follows the motto: "think globally, act locally".
- The Office for Styrians and Austrians Abroad offers specific solutions and sees itself as the point of contact for any Styrians living abroad who may have concerns.
- Styrians living abroad help to ensure that the reputation of Styria is upheld abroad through personal testimonies.
- Styrians living abroad want to share their experiences and successes with the people in their home country; the Office for Styrians Abroad makes this possible and promotes this transfer of know-how.
- In specific projects, Styrians living abroad assume the role of "special ambassador" of their home region in the fields of culture, science, business, etc.
- PR activities, setting up an ideas portal, e.g., election of the "Styrian Abroad of the Year", and the organisation of competitions on specific subjects to stimulate dialogue are examples of the Office for Styrians Abroad acting as an ambassador for its region
- Networking with public and national bodies and organisations, such as the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Liaison Office of the Austrian Federal Provinces, as well as with international associations such as the Vienna based "Weltbund der Auslandsösterreicher", or the international representations of Austria are further examples.
- The Office for Styrians Abroad is part of the Styrian State Administration and is supported and promoted by Styrian politics.
Your points of contact are Nicole Prutsch, BA and Mag. Kathrin Neuhold (on leave)
=> Phone: +43 316 877 4214
Land Steiermark, Office of the Styrian Government
Department 9 Culture, Europe, Sports - European and International Affairs
8010 Graz (Austria), Landhausgasse 7 / Ecke Raubergasse 8